Bike for Kam, It's a Wrap

Well, the project has come to a close...almost.  At least as far as the website and material, I am done!

B4K succeeded its $20,000 goal and we are still going.  This week the team found out that we are finalists in ABC7's Pay it Forward Contest.  ABC7 gives seven (soCal) people $7,000 and they pay it forward to a worthy non profit organization that will do something good with it.

We find out if our little B4K wins May 23rd.  I have to fly back down to LA in a couple days for the ABC7 interview.  Anyways, I will give a better update later.  I have alot to share, the problem is getting here to share it ;).

Meanwhile, I did a final B4K wrap up post for all those who supported and obviously for the guys who did the bike ride.  Below is a compilation video I put together of their 500 miles using their mobile phone and handlebar footage they took from the road.  

"Rather than explaining the gamut of their journey and the crossing of the finish line, I thought it would be fitting to end the way we began; through the guys and their words.  From the six of them I collected their mobile phone video clips, handle bar camera footage and pictures and assembled them into one sequential video compilation as a ‘thank you’ to everyone who supported us.  I also wanted to did it for the guys, you know, so when they are in that reminiscing mood they have something to visit  .

While, I don’t directly know every person who donated or have your emails, so that I can send a personal thanks, I thought I would express my  gratitude the best way I know how…through sharing.

I guess I wanted this project to be more than just clicking the, “submit” button on your credit card transaction, I guess I wanted you to also get something out of this and feel like you were along for the ride.  I hope you did.

I’ll keep my final words brief. If you have been following us, I guess you know I am not that brief. It’s something I am working on.  I guess by now we figure if  you are following us then you don’t mind the length of a post in exchange for the story.

Swiss Psychologist, Carl Jung, said, “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

Surprisingly, what was an effort to raise some money and expand awareness turned into much more.  It was about relationship building, growth of personal expectations and another memory to file away in our personal scrapbooks.  The people we meet and the decisions we make effect and create new potential blocks in our personal space.

While, I am ecstatic about the project’s success, expanded awareness and reaching our 20K goal (!!), I’m almost equally delighted by the guy’s reaction to the ride and this project.  The things they have shared and how much they learned is truly gratifying for me.  There are different types of friends you make throughout your life.  The ones you befriend for social reasons to party or shoot the breeze with, and the ones you meet in difficult situations that encompass the realness of a relationship.  I’m  concerned with the intimacy of their lives, their personal growth and I am selfishly satisfied that Mikey, Hieu, Ted, Viet, Andres and Ben received a little something from this project.

The project, though focused and organized, sort of developed organically.  It was alot of work; the sleepless nights, the endless campaigning and was my first real grassroots event alone and with this team. I didn’t know what to expect from the guys as some of them self-admit their disorganization or “flakiness”.  However, I experienced none of that.  They were truly committed and they showed me how they care not just through words, but by showing up all suited for action, and though we were all new to it our passion was enough to push us forward.  My instructive emails to them were overflowing and I am sure many times they thought I was crazy, but, we had the best time together.  I didn’t anticipate the amount of work it required for the project to strike a consistent beat, but it had a momentum of its own and we were all along for the ride.  At times it felt like we were kids on the neighborhood block.  Me with my tin can connected to them through a string with them on the receiving end as they set up camp.  ‘Bike for Kam’ was hard work, fun, creative, dangerous, unpredictable, team work, camaraderie, smelly? and all the things in between.

The project bought added understanding that while we all face some challenges and uphill battles, we can make it through and even more so through the aid of an extended hand of a friend. Every time I tell my story my personal realization meter goes up.  The memories of my once physical moments drip over me like a second skin of remembrance.  “I can’t take my mind off you…not even if I tried.”  It serves as a constant reminder of what I should strive to work towards.  Not just a cure, but building myself and to care and love the things I choose, and sometimes don’t choose, to give my attention to.  To constantly grow and improve.  The loss touches me in ways I’ve never been touched before, experiencing seemingly dissimilar parts painted in one broad stroke that sometimes blurs the good and the bad.

As Mr. (Fred) Rogers says, “You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are.”

I thank everyone that donated and showed their support.  To my friends and family; from west coast, to midwest, to east coast and to those abroad, thank you for always being there.  Your support was than motivating to our little team.

To my friends, Andres, Viet, Steve, Mikey, Ted, Hieu, Ben and Romeo, thanks for doing this trip with me.  At times I felt like the producer, mother hen, and one of the guys.  While I know Andres, Viet and Ted, I met Mikey, Hieu and Ben only through this project.  What nice guys.  They, and their social circle, went out of their way for me the way any lifelong friend would do for their friend. Their parents should be proud.  Thanks to Andres, Viet and Ted whom I grew closer to throughout the course of this trip. I won’t get sappy.  I tell you how I feel all the time, but you guys are great.

I’ll carry the memory of this project when I struggle with the simplest of tasks, a task, for some, that is as effortless and equivalent to breathing.  I’ll remember all the great support we found here.  100% of proceeds goes to ARM and HIBM Medical Research.  Just because Bike for Kam is finished, doesn’t mean you can’t stay involved.  Visit ARM once in awhile and see what they are up to. "

Check out what the guys had to say for their final words through text, podcast and video memo form.  (Click Here)