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Feeding Frenzy

For weeks I've had dozens and dozens of bug bites all over me from sleeping at night (Jason has zero) and during the day. I'm sitting here working while mosquitos and bugs are feeding off of my legs and feet and there is nothing I can do about it because I can't move my legs nor reach them. 

And then to make things crueler, or funnier, I can't scratch once they are done. Like I needed more itching problems that I can't scratch myself. I haven't had much sleep last few nights (really last 2 years) between my previous itching that was on break and has come back, the dozens of fresh bug bites due to my inability to move and constant itchiness all over my butt and legs derived from sitting in my chair from 8pm to 8:30pm straight without the ability to move. This is just one of hundreds of minutia that hovers daily life for individuals like me. It's insane that I can't relieve my own itches nor push the hair out of my face or wipe my tears if my arms are not in the opportune position required for independent movement (high table or arm rest to rest my arm on as I swing my arm up).

These things are just a blip in most people's day. Some people are climbing mountains, I’m overcoming little things like this all day long which requires just as much strength.

Let the feeding frenzy begin!